11 de noviembre de 2008

Releyendo a Paul Graham

Acabo de conseguir eliminar una de esas torres de documentos por leer que se reproducen en cuanto te descuidas y he encontrado estas notas que apunté sobre los essays de Paul Graham en algún momento.
  • People at startups work harder because retribution is binary
  • Disruptive technologies are created by disruptive people
  • Switching a company from consulting to product revenues is hard
  • When a startup is bought 6 months down the road for 3M$ its more a sign on bonus than an acquisition. Companies are beginning to merge recruiting and product development
  • On the Internet anything genuinely good will be spread by word of mouth
A ver si un día de estos me animo a postear en más detalle sobre este interesante gurú

Nota: No pongo "italica" porque hay algo de rephrasing y no son citas originales
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